National Orchestra Festival

National Orchestra Festival

  • Description:

    Central High School has been selected as one of the top orchestras in the nation to compete and perform in front of a community of top string players and educators around the country and the world. This is a once in a life opportunity to perform and compete at a national level.

  • Need Represented: Our greatest need is transportation to our event that will last for 3-4 days.
  • Academic Impact: Students will be able to display their hard academic achievement through their countless hours of individual practice, sectionals, and ensemble work to not only refine their notes and their rhythms, but to understand the historical content and meaning of these pieces. They will have the ability to watch other students who have put similar work into their performances and receive masterclass with world-renowned string players and adjudicators. They will also have the opportunity to make connections and opportunities and attend masterclasses they would in no other wise be able to attend.
  • Student Population: Our Advanced Orchestra at Central High School is comprised of International Baccalaureate students who are globally minded citizens who are working hard to make a difference in the world and would love an opportunity to participate in such a prestigious honor without placing such a financial burden on families.
  • Your Information

  • If different than donor name, or business contact person.
  • Payment Information

  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • Price: $0.00
  • $0.00