#GIVEBACK to School Day, the Foundation’s 24-hour fundraising event, that will benefit our Back to School grant program is Thursday, Sept. 25!
Last year we raised nearly $10,000 in one day, we are hoping to top that number this year.
American National Insurance is our matching sponsor, matching every gift that day, up to $7,500! And we have several power hour sponsors that will be matching gifts given during their hour!
How can you participate? It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!
- Make a donation online, on September 17, any amount that is right for you! $1, $10, $100, $1,000, it all makes an impact! And this is crowdfunding, so the more people that give $10 each, the more impact we will have!
- Post on social media about why you are giving, and support others to participate.
- Tag the Foundation @Foundation4SPS, and use our hashtags: #GIVEBACK #supportSPS
If you have any questions, please contact our Development Director Tina Pham ttpham@spsmail.org